Me on the halfpipe at Da Funhouse,. Oakland CA 1994. I am not sure who took this photo. Whoever it was, they were in the right place, at the right time, with film loaded. I am forever indebted to this photographer for this shot. This conjures up memories a mile long! To me a picture is worth much more than a thousand words. So many 'stories' spring to mind instantly when a photo is viewed. A stronger connection with the photo, begets more 'stories', and more vivid memories.
I got a Kodak Instamatic camera for my 11th birthday (1975). I used it for a bunch of years to record things. I went through handfuls of flash cubes. The image quality of this camera was bad, but it was fun. It wasn't until 1986 that I got myself an SLR camera - an Olympus OM-2s (and some cheap lenses). I read the manual right off the bat. I took a couple B&W classes at Diablo Valley College. I recorded some of the things that I did, like hiking up Mt Whitney, or springboard diving practice. I was a user, into the hundreds of rolls of film (I had 2.5 fps winder grip attachment). Other interests, school, and the fact that my camera was falling apart, made it hard to fit in time with my camera and it sat on the sidelines. In the spring of 2002 I got to use a friend's Nikon 2mp digital. I bought the cheapest 2mp camera there was at the time ( Nikon was $500, mine was $150). I don't remember the name. I'm a Nikon shooter since 2003 - CP5700 - D70 - D300s - D700 - D750 - D810. There are no bad cameras these days, I just like Nikon ergonomics.
Photography is something I really love. I'm action oriented, and like to capture the moment with my lens. I like the fast pace of events and weddings, and the stillness of landscape.
Lifestyle photography, for me, can be very wide ranging in style and pace. People are defined by what they do for a living, as a hobby, for exercise, and so on. I'm interested in capturing people in their environment, doing what they love to do.
I try to photograph events so that the images tell the story, and capture the joy in the people that are a part of it.
Photography is also like a meditation for me. When I'm all alone in the middle of the night, under the stars. The long exposures give me opportunity to be still with me.
Alanna comes from the Irish word for My Child/My Beloved. LA is short for Light Art. .